It is not entirely unusual for most people to be having some problems with their student loan debts. People will do just about anything to have a good education and that includes getting student loans from different lenders. As soon as students are about to finish and leave college, one big thing that they will have to think about and consider is a student loan debt consolidation. When you consolidate your loans, you will be merging all your student loans into 1 single student loan with just 1 lender and 1 repayment plan thus reducing the stress and pressure of paying off more than 1 lender every month. With consolidation, you only have 1 student loan to pay on to. And you always have to think twice before you decide on getting your student loans consolidated or not. So here is an overview of the positive and negative side of student loan debt consolidation: One of the pros when consolidating student loans is that it usually helps in reducing your monthly payments especially if you go with the best deal of loan consolidation. Not only that, you are also able to lessen your interest rate thus saving you thousands of dollars over time. Now, student loan consolidation is also beneficial especially if you have lots of loans that you need to deal with. With just 1 consolidated loan, you can significantly save some money and will not be a hindrance to your financial future plans.